Send Lead API

From Netsville Support
Revision as of 15:39, 23 August 2013 by Micah (talk | contribs)
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Field Description Type Required Example
affiliate_id Unique identifier given to you by Netsville Alphanumeric Yes ABC123
name_last Last Name of Person Alpha Yes Smith
name_first First Name of Person Alpha Yes John
dob Date of Birth in YYYY-MM-DD format Date Yes 1985-01-15
email Email address Email Yes
phone_home 10 digit home phone number in NNNXXXYYYY format (numbers only) Numeric Yes 5855551212
addr_street Street address Alphanumeric Yes 123 Main Street
addr_city City Alpha Yes Rochester
addr_state State (two letter abbreviation) Alpha Yes NY
addr_zip Zip code (5 number) Numeric Yes 14614
applied_yn Have you applied for Social Security Disability?
Either Yes(Y) or No(N)
Alpha Yes Y
applied_result What was the result of your application? The possible choices are: Claim Pending, Receiving Benefits, Claim Denied.
The answer must contain one of these words: 'pending', 'benefits', or 'denied'
Alpha Yes denied
applied_denial_date If the above answer contains 'denied', then this field must contain the date of that denial in the format: YYYY-MM-DD. Otherwise, this field can be empty. Date No 2010-12-31
out_of_work_yn Do you expect to be out of work for the next 12 months?
Either Yes(Y) or No(N)
Alpha Yes Y
stop_work_date The date that you stopped working in YYYY-MM-DD format Date Yes 2009-11-30
work_half_yn Have you worked 5 out of the last 10 years? This field can be empty. Alpha No Y -or- N disability What is the condition that prevents you from working? Alpha Yes A-Fib, heart condition, dizziness
talk_to_lawyer_yn Would you like a free consultation (speak to a laywer)? If this is blank, YES(Y) is assumed. Alpha No Y
doc_yn In the past 6 months, have you seen a doctor?
Either Yes(Y) or No(N). This field can be empty.
Alpha No N
have_lawyer_yn Do you currently have an attorney helping you?
Either Yes(Y) or No(N). This field can be empty.
Alpha No N
is_test_lead A trigger to mark lead as only a test in the database. Use '1' for Yes and '0' for No. This field can be empty. Numeric No 0